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Algumas das publicações recentes da área de Gestão & Inovação do PEP-Coppe/UFRJ são:

ALEIXO, M.O.; RODRIGUES, E.; BARTHOLO, R. Cultural Gastronomic Traditions from the City of Rio De Janeiro - Brazil. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, v. 5, p. 3-16, 2018.

ALMEIDA, D.P.; RENAULT, T.B.; ANGELKORTE, G.B.; FONSECA, M.V.A.; YATES, S. Particularities in financing tools: A case study of an Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Revista De Administração, Sociedade E Inovação, v. 6, p. 134-142, 2020.

ALONSO, C.M.C.; BÉGUIN, P.D.; DUARTE, F.J.C.M. Work of community health agents in the Family Health Strategy: meta-synthesis. Revista De Saúde Pública (Online), v. 52, p. 14, 2018.

ARIZTIA, T. ; KLEINE, D. ; BARTHOLO, R. ; BRIGHTWELL, G. ; AGLONI, N. ; AFONSO, R. . Beyond the 'deficit discourse': Mapping ethical consumption discourses in Chile and Brazil. Environment & Planning A (Print), v. 21, p. 1-10, 2016.

BAKER BOTELHO, ANA CAROLINA ; EGREJAS, MARISA ; Bartholo, Roberto . A turistificação da zona portuária do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: por um Turismo Situado no Morro da Conceição. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo, v. 8, p. 286-300, 2014.

BARTHOLO, Roberto; AFONSO, R. C. M. ; CAMPOS, Arminda Eugenia Marques ; BURSZTYN, G. ; DELAMARO, Maurício César . Analyse collective du travail des inspecteurs des impôts au Brésil dans l'Etat de Rio de Janeiro. Activites, v. 12, p. 104-117, 2015.

BÉGUIN, PASCAL ; DUARTE, FRANCISCO ; Sznelwar, Laerte Idal . Introduction to the special section on Activity Theory for Work Analysis and Design. Production, v. 25, p. 255-256, 2015.

BELLIDO, M.M.H.; MENDONÇA, H.L.; FONSECA, M.V.A.; BRANCO, D.A.C.; PEREIRA JUNIOR, A.O. Maturity-based analysis of emerging technologies in the Brazilian Power Sector. Journal Of Cleaner Production, v. 243, p. 118603-118603, 2019.

Benchimol, Alegria ; Gonçalves, Ana Lúcia ; CAVALCANTI, M. C. B. . AMOR E PODER NA PERSPECTIVA DE ADAM KAHANE: um diálogo entre pesquisadores de épocas distintas. Informação & Sociedade (UFPB. Online), v. 24, p. 37-45, 2014.

BITTENCOURT, João Marcos; DUARTE, F. ; Beguin, Pascal . Utilizando Objetos Intermediários como Recurso de Ação do Ergonomista em Projetos de Espaço de Trabalho. Ação Ergonômica, v. 10, p. 01, 2015.

BITTENCOURT, J.M.; DUARTE, F.; BÉGUIN, P. From the past to the future: Integrating work experience into the design process. WORK-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, v. 57, p. 379-387, 2017.

BRUNO-FARIA, M. F. ; FONSECA, M. V. A. . Medida da cultura de inovação: uma abordagem sistêmica e estratégica com foco na efetividade da inovação. RAI: Revista de Administração e Inovação, v. 12, p. 56-81, 2015.

CASTRO, Iara Sousa ; LIMA, FRANCISCO DE PAULA ANTUNES ; DUARTE, FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CASTRO MOURA . Users contributions to an architectural project at the start up. Production, v. 25, p. 310-322, 2015.

CAVALCANTI, M. C. B.; PEREIRA NETO, A. F. . Inovação Tecnológica no Brasil: Há uma pedra no meio do caminho. Liinc em Revista, v. 10, p. 726-741, 2014.

CIPOLLA, C. M. ; Bartholo, Roberto . Empathy or Inclusion: A Dialogical Approach to Socially Responsible Design. INT J DES, v. 8, p. 87-100, 2014.

CIPOLLA, C.; AFONSO, R.; PEL, B.; BARTHOLO, R.; SILVA, E.R.; PROENÇA JÚNIOR, D. Coproduced game-changing in transformative social innovation: reconnecting the “broken city” of Rio de Janeiro. Ecology And Society, v. 22, p. 4, 2017.

CIPOLLA, C.; JOLY, M.P.; WATANABE, B.; ZANELA, F.B.; TAVARES, M.F. Design for Social Innovation as Designing for Service: The Case of Active Aging in Brazil. Service Design and Service Thinking in Healthcare and Hospital Management. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2019, p. 347-358.

CORDEIRO, CLÁUDIA VIEIRA CARESTIATO ; Oggioni, Barbara de Macedo Passos ; DUARTE, FRANCISCO JOSE CASTRO MOURA ; LIMA, FRANCISCO DE PAULA ANTUNES. From the ergonomic guidelines to the configuration of use in the offshore platforms design context. Production, v. 25, p. 298-309, 2015.

COSTA, D. S. ; CIPOLLA, C. . Agricultura Urbana: identificação de oportunidades de projeto para o processo produtivo e de comercialização. Mix Sustentável, v. 2, p. 114-120, 2016.

COSTA, PATRICIA GOMES FERREIRA DA ; DUARTE, FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CASTRO MOURA ; LIMA, FRANCISCO DE PAULA ANTUNES ; MAIA, Nora de Castro ; ARAÚJO, ADRIANA NUNES . A efetividade de metodologias de diagnóstico rápido em ergonomia em plataformas offshore: revisitando o conceito de modo degradado de funcionamento. Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional, v. 40, p. 121-136, 2015.

DINIZ, Eugenio ; PROENCA Jr, Domício . A Criterion for Settling Inconsistencies in Clausewitz's On War. Journal of Strategic Studies, v. 37, p. 879-902, 2014.

DINIZ, Eugenio ; PROENCA Jr, Domício . The Collapse of the Material Foundations of Westphalian International Law. Revista de Sociologia e Política (UFPR. Impresso), v. 23, p. 9-20, 2015.

DUARTE, FRANCISCO; BÉGUIN, PASCAL; PUEYO, VALÉRIE; LIMA, FRANCISCO. Work activities within sustainable development. Production, v. 25, p. 257-265, 2015.

EGREJAS, Marisa ; PAZ, André Fernandes da ; Bartholo, Roberto . Roteiros dos Fortes: diálogo, pertencimento e webdocumentário no planejamento turístico. Caderno Virtual de Turismo (UFRJ), v. 15, p. 240-250, 2015.

FONSECA, B. P. F. ; FONSECA, M. V. A. . O desafio de integrar sem reduzir: Modelo de gestão da saúde deve considerar as inter-relações entre os múltiplos agentes desse complexo sistema. Ciência Hoje, v. 56, p. 54-55, 2016.

FONSECA, BRUNA DE PAULA FONSECA E ; SAMPAIO, RICARDO BARROS ; FONSECA, MARCUS VINICIUS DE ARAÚJO ; ZICKER, FABIO . Co-authorship network analysis in health research: method and potential use. Health Research Policy and Systems, v. 14, p. 1-10, 2016.

FONSECA, BRUNA P. F. ; FERNANDES, ELTON ; FONSECA, MARCUS V. A. . Collaboration in science and technology organizations of the public sector: A network perspective. Science & Public Policy (Print), v. 1, p. scw013, 2016.

FONSECA, EDUARDO DINIZ ; LIMA, FRANCISCO P.A. ; DUARTE, FRANCISCO . From construction site to design: The different accident prevention levels in the building industry. Safety Science, v. 70, p. 406-418, 2014.

FONTAINHA, T.C.; LEIRAS, A.; BANDEIRA, R.A.M.; SCAVARDA, L.F. Public-Private-People Relationship Stakeholder Model for disaster and humanitarian operations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, v. 22, p. 371-386, 2017.

FONTAINHA, T.C.; LEIRAS, A.; BANDEIRA, R.A.M.; SCAVARDA, L.F. Stakeholder satisfaction in complex relationships during the disaster response: a structured review and a case study perspective. Production Planning & Control, 2020.

FONTAINHA, T.C.; SILVA, L.O.; DE LIRA, W.M.; LEIRAS, A.; BANDEIRA, R.A.M.; SCAVARDA, L.F. Referenceprocess model for disaster response operations. International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications, 2020.

GOMES, F.C.C.; CIPOLLA, C.M. Confiança na economia colaborativa: um estudo de caso na plataforma Couchsurfing. In: 7º Simpósio Design Sustentável, 2019, São Paulo. Blucher Design Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2019. v. 6. p. 159-170.

IKENAMI, R.K.; LIPOVAYA, V.; COSTA, P.G.F.; SILVA, E.R.; SALOMÃO, P.; MARTINS, O.; LOBO, L.S.; DUARTE, F.J. A method proposal to support decision-making in unstable ecosystems: application in the Brazilian eSports ecosystem case. International Journal of Technology Management, v. 82, p. 172-195, 2020.

KLAPZTEIN, S. ; CIPOLLA, C. . From Game Design to Service Design: A Framework to Gamify Services. Simulation & Gaming, v. 47, p. 10, 2016.

LABOURIAU, FERNANDO C. ; NAVEIRO, RICARDO M. . Using the evolutionary pattern to generate ideas in new product development. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 37, p. 231-242, 2015.

LABOURIAU, FERNANDO CÂMARA ; Naveiro, Ricardo Manfredi . Using TRIZ and patent information for studying product evolution. Product (IGDP), v. 11, p. 3-14, 2013.

LOUREIRO, F.; BARTHOLO, R. Tropical and Eastern Paris: architecture, representation and tourism in Brazil and China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, v. 17, p. 1-13, 2019.

MENDES, R.W.B.; PUEYO, V.; BÉGUIN, P.; DUARTE, F.J.C.M. Innovation, systemic appropriation and prevention in the granite mining sector: The case of humidification. WORK-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, v. 57, p. 351-361, 2017.

MENDONÇA, H.L.; VAN ADUARD DE MACEDO-SOARES, T.D.L.; FONSECA, M.V.A. Working Towards a Framework Based on Mission-Oriented Practices for Assessing Renewable Energy Innovation Policies. Journal Of Cleaner Production, v. 193, p. 709-719, 2018.

PEREIRA, I.N.; BARTHOLO, R.; SILVA, E.R.P.; PROENÇA JUNIOR, D. Entrepreneurship in the Favela of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro: A Critical Approach. Latin American Research Review, v. 1, p. 79-93, 2017.

PROENCA Jr Domício; SILVA, ÉDISON RENATO . Contexto e processo do Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura no trajeto da Pós-Graduação no Brasil. Transinformação, v. 28, p. 233-240, 2016.

SILVA, E.R.; PROENÇA JÚNIOR, D.; BARTHOLO, R. Herbert Simon Meets Billy Vaughn Koen and Joan van Aken: From Sciences of the Artificial to Engineering Heuristics and Design Propositions. In: Mitcham, Carl; Li, Bocong; Newberry, Byron; Zhang, Baichun. (Org.). Philosophy of Engineering, East and West. 1ed.Boston: Springer, 2017, p. 131-.

SILVA, DANIELLE ASSAFIN VIEIRA SOUZA ; FONSECA, MARCUS VINÍCIUS DE ARAUJO . Monitoramento para avaliação do desempenho regulatório do Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia. Revista de Administração Pública (Impresso), v. 49, p. 447-472, 2015.

SILVA, E. R. ; PROENCA Jr, Domício . An outline of military technological dynamics as restraints for acquisition, international cooperation and domestic technological development. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional (Impresso), v. 57, p. 99-114, 2014.

SILVA, E. R.; BARTHOLO JR., R. S. ; PROENÇA JÚNIOR, DOMÍCIO . Engineering Brazil: National Engineering Capability at Stake. In: Steen Hyldgaard Christensen; Christelle Didier; Andrew Jamison; Martin Meganck; Carl Mitcham; Byron Newberry. (Org.). International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context, Volume 1. 1ed. Amsterdam: Springer, 2015, v. 1, p. 80-100.

SILVA, E. R.; PROENCA JR, D. . Não ser não é não ter: engenharia não é ciência (nem mesmo ciência aplicada). In: Adriano Proença; Daniel Pacheco Lacerda; José Antonio Valle Antunes Júnior; José Lamartine Távora Junior; Mario Sergio Salerno. (Org.). Gestão da Inovação e Competitividade no Brasil: da Teoria para a Prática. 1ed.Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2015, v. 1, p. 197-218.

SILVA, E. R.; PROENÇA JÚNIOR, DOMÍCIO ; BARTHOLO JR., R. S. . Simon Meets Koen and Van Aken. In: Li Bocong; Carl Mitcham; Zhang Baichun; Byron Newberry. (Org.). Philosophy of Engineering: East and West (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science). 1ed.: Springer, 2015, v. 1, p. 1-1.

TIRADO-SOTO, M. M. ; ZAMBERLAN, F. . Networks of recyclable material waste-picker s cooperatives: An alternative for the solid waste management in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Waste Management, v. 33, p. 1004, 2013.

TOLEDO, G.; CIPOLLA, C. Well-being oriented Social Innovation: the use of Positive Psychology as a design framework. In: 7º Simpósio Design Sustentável, 2019, São Paulo. Blucher Design Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2019. v. 6. p. 202-209.

XAVIER, A.F.; NAVEIRO, R.M.; AOUSSAT, A.; REYES, T. Systematic literature review of eco-innovation models: opportunities and recommendations for future research. Journal Of Cleaner Production, v. 149, p. 1278-1302, 2017.

XAVIER, A.F.; REYES, T.; AOUSSAT, A.; LUIZ, L.O.; SOUZA, L.M. Eco-Innovation Maturity Model: A Framework to Support the Evolution of Eco-Innovation Integration in Companies. Sustainability, v. 12, p. 3773, 2020.
